

Rhode Island College is committed to making its website accessible using best practices and standards as defined by level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web内容可访问性指南.0​. Should any user have difficulty accessing the content of this site or have accessibility concerns, please contact the Office of Web Communications at 401-456-8849 or theweb@banditmc.net


Rhode Island College is committed to making our web presence accessible and inclusive by taking reasonable measures to support the accessibility of its digital resources, 包括它的网站, 给学生, employees and/or the general public in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). This 网页可及性 Policy provides information and guidelines regarding the College's efforts to make its websites accessible; and outlines the process by which individuals may seek assistance with website accessibility issues.



这份清单是由 嗳哟互动.


  • 力求简洁明了
  • 简单的词汇选择,而不是冗长的措辞.g. “因为”而不是“由于……”)
  • Aim for short sentences and paragraphs without compromising meaning; aim for one concept per sentence and one broader concept per paragraph.
  • 对于复杂或冗长的文本,如披露, 免责声明, 和指令, 尽量写得简洁明了, creating a hierarchy that distinguishes this content from other content on the page.
  • 避免行话, 俚语, 首字母缩略词, 教学条件, 不必要的专业语言, 以及面向内部的过程语言
  • 保持不高于10级的可读性水平
  • Use tools such as Hemingway to assess the readability of your content
  • Avoid hackneyed phrases and idioms (“Get your ducks in a row”; “Bang for your buck”; “Get the ball rolling”) - readers from other cultures may not be familiar with their meaning
  • 避免不必要地使用最高级和形容词.g. our exemplary research facilities) as well as hyperbole or unsupported claims (e.g. we have the most successful students) that may weigh down your language. 而不是, let the qualities of these features speak for themselves with facts, data, 或富, 描述性意象.
  • 避免重复. It often serves to obscure your point, rather than reinforce it
  • Use terms consistently across your publication to reinforce comprehension


  • 避免指向性语言.g. read below, see above, the menu to the left) when referring to on-page content
  • 页面布局应该使内容引用直观
  • Such references are irrelevant to individuals using screen readers or other alternative methods of reading a webpage
  • Due to responsive design, “on the right” in one context may be “below” in another
  • Always use alt text for images to allow non-sighted users using “talking” browsers, as well
  • as users on slow connections, to glean meaning from image content
  • 描述图像中正在发生的事情.g. “在图书馆学习的学生”)
  • Alt text has the bonus of being searchable, enhancing SEO
  • Do not rely solely on visual or audio communication (imagery, 形状, 大小, sound) to communicate information that is critical to comprehending content.
  • 尽可能避免使用pdf文件.
  • HTML header tags help create hierarchies by organizing, prioritizing, and labeling content. Use headers with clear, descriptive language to break up text and guide readers scanning the page.


  • 使链接具有描述性和可操作性.g. "应用 now"; "View event calendar”)
  • The words “click here” have no value for search engines, or for users
  • Use keywords in linked text as long as they do not compromise meaning or clarity
  • Indicate document type if link goes to a non-HTML page (e.g. 阅读手册[PDF])
  • Don’t clutter text with inessential hyperlinks, as they will distract the user
  • Linking in body text should not replicate page navigation



  • Use simple URL structures; 3-5 words
  • Use descriptive, relevant keywords that give context to both search engines and users
  • 使用连字符代替下划线


  • Unique copy that describes the content found on your page
  • 最多150-160个字符
  • Strong meta descriptions can boost traffic from search engine result pages (SERPs)
  • Echo keywords used in the title; balance keywords with compelling, descriptive language so both humans and machines can make sense of information
  • Avoid quotes; stick to alpha-numeric characters


  • Defines title of a web document; should be unique with a consistent format site-wide
  • 少于70个字符
  • Shows in Google search results and browser title bar (also default text for bookmark)
  • Use meaningful words; avoid vague 首字母缩略词 with no first reference or context (e.g. “MCM” for Master of Contemporary Music) that may alienate or confuse both the user and search engines, unless acronym is commonly understood by target audience (e.g. MBA)
  • 元描述中使用的Echo关键字. 平衡关键字和引人注目的使用, descriptive language so both humans and machines can make sense of information
  • Place keywords near front of title (Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword | Brand Name)​​​